Labels:daily | earth | gazette | grass | reckoner | sky OCR: and Mesa potamia Exquisite Palmyra will takeus back in time as wander through its great colonnade theater monumen - tal arches and massive temple In Jordan, we tour Petra rose -red city half old time, as this mysterious pre Roman site has been called Much of ancient Petra's fasci nation comes from its stunning loca tion deep desert ca.: nyon intc whose walls the city elaborate buildings and tombs were carved And last, accomj panied by Bedouin nomads, we journey by camel for thre V through Wadi Arabia follow ing the anci ent Perf ume Route dramatic Wadi Rum We encounter stunning moun tain -and -dune scenery sam ple bit of Bedouin life sleep und er the starry skies, and listen to the desert silence unforgetta ib1 xperience Exauisite tombe gettable